
About Communication Summitu

Communication Summit was created in 2018 with the aim of "breaking down silos" so that communication professionals have the opportunity to meet, discuss trends, align goals. It doesn't matter if you work in marketing or PR, in agencies or on the client side. We all deal with similar problems.

Let's Be Positive! This is the theme of the 7th year. In times of bad news for companies and institutions, positive communication works. But what will your target audience perceive as positive? What are they interested in? What problems does it solve? How do you hit the right note when it's only a step from funny to embarrassing?

And what about you? Are you worried about what the new trends like ESG and AI will bring to the communications industry? Let's also look at them optimistically. Let's get excited about what we can do in communication again. Positive thinking guaranteed!

The professional guarantors of the programme are the Association of Communication Agencies (AKA) and the Association of Public Relations (APRA).

Why we do it


It makes sense

Good quality communication not only leads to better economic results, but can have a positive social impact. All you have to do is to join forces of marketing and PR.


You enjoy it

Here you can meet the right people. Whether they are the former or future colleagues, clients, competitors or agency partners. In person – that is the best!


We can do it

We are no greenhorns. Over three decades, we have created several hundred of our own conferences, which belong to the most important in the Czech Republic. And we are permanently motivated and looking forward to improving.

Who is Communication Summit for?

This conference brings together marketing communication and Public Relations experts. Almost half of all participants are people in top management positions. In terms of sectors, the producers, especially FMCG manufacturers, are represented the most. A total of 20% of visitors work in communication, PR or media agencies. Join them and treat yourself to one very effective day full of information and inspiration.

Structure of participants of the last Communication Summit

By sector specialization:
By the position in the company:

Feedback from participants